What is Equine Gut Flush - EGF
Fact - Colic is the Number One Killer of Horses
Fast Acting, Trusted Results That Assist In The Reduction Of:
- Intestinal gas
- GI toxicity
- Pain and discomfort
Mild Anti-Spasmodic
Helpful In Restoring:
- Gut motility
- Normal Gastro-Intestinal function
Promotes digestive support
Oral Administration:
Easy to use – Just insert the tip into the corner of the horse’s mouth, Tip up and squeeze giving the horse time to swallow entire 4 oz. bottle. (bought before 2013)
Suggested Use: 1st sign(s) of digestive distress for immediate intervention at onset of signs of abdominal pain/colic.
Feeding: Adult horses 4 oz, (new bottles 2 oz. if bought after 1/2013) Foals 2 oz.
As Equine GutFlush is ingested this is the process that occurs:
This product is an Equine GI tract rehydrator, antacid and digestive aid. Designed to help with excess acidity following grain feeding and to increase fluid retention in the GI tract. Equine GutFlush will NOT interfere or react with other supplements.
Proactive indications for use are:
- Before shipping or showing; At strange show grounds or other places where your horse may not drink.
- For those chilly nights in the fall or spring when horses do not drink well.
- Any time your horse may be a risk for colic – such as, but not limited to, stress.
- Always when abdominal pain is present