Clinical Signs of Colic
- Poor appetite
- Decreased manure production
- Lip curling
- Depression
- Lying down more than usual
- Pawing
- Stretching out
- Flank watching
- Teeth grinding
- Bloated abdomen
- Sweating
- Kicking or biting at the abdomen
- Rolling
- Repeatedly getting up and down
Horses show signs of abdominal pain in a wide variety of ways. Some signs, such as curling the upper lip are subtle and easily overlooked, whereas other signs, such as repeated rolling or violent thrashing, are hard to mistake. Among the more common signs of colic are above.
These below are some signs after you give them the Equine GutFlush:
- Sitting in a dog-like position, or lying on the back - working with the EGF.
- Digestive sounds now on 1 or both sides stronger
- Breathing normally
- Pulse rate normal (less than 50 beats per minute)
- Gums regaining normal color (pink)
- Hydrated (Replaced Ionic Solutions)
- Impaction reduced by softening and expelling
- Pressure Relieved by Gas Dissipation and Farting
- Interested in grazing, water again (don't give any feed or hay)
- Acting like a horse again
Usually, a horse shows only a few of these signs during an episode of colic. Seeing any of these signs should prompt you to take a closer look and keep a watchful eye on the horse.