What you SHOULD do if your horse colics:
If you see any signs of colic in your horse, remove all food, put them in a safe area, reach for your colic survival kit and give them Equine GutFlush immediately. If you give them Banamine - this will slow down the gut motility. That is the last thing you would want to do when you are dealing with a colic. The EGF will help with the pain and also to reverse the symptoms of the medical colic as quickly as possible. These above steps are the procedure to follow as quickly as possible to help your horse's fast recovery.
Collect whatever vital signs you can to assess the colic. All the Information that will be especially helpful as you will continue to listen to the gut sounds every 15 minutes or as needed. If you act quickly your horse will recover quickly and be back to feeling like a horse again. You will be able to determine what your horse needs by following the above instructions and monitor vitals: Normal signs are highlighted
1st Sign(s) of any Abdominal Distress Reach for the Colic Survival Kit with the Equine GutFlush to give you horse Immediately while Collecting the Temperature and other vitals.
- Pulse or heart rate (beats per minute, 20-40 bpm)
- Respiratory rate (breaths per minute, 20-40 bbm)
- Rectal temperature (101 adult horse, 102 foal)
- Color of the gums (white, pale pink, dark pink, red, or bluish-purple),
- Moistness of the gums (moist, tacky, or dry)
- Capillary refill time (less than 2 seconds to go from tented position to flat)
- Digestive (gut) sounds 2/3 active gut rumbles over 2 minute period in flanks
- Bowel movements, including color, consistency, and frequency
- Were there any recent changes in management, feeding, or exercise
- Medical history, including deworming and any past episodes of colic & specific signs and severity
- Breeding history and pregnancy status / broodmare
- Insurance status of the horse - Give the EGF as it will not interfere in any other procedures
- You may or may not ever find a conclusive answers - but you can prevent further episodes see how in the next blog..."Colic Prevention"